एपीए उद्धरण

Arp, S. (2007). In search of goddess Virajã. Periphery and centre: studies in Orissan history, religion and anthropology, pp. 59-78.

शिकागो स्टाइल उद्धरण

Arp, Susmita. "In Search of Goddess Virajã." Periphery and Centre: Studies in Orissan History, Religion and Anthropology 2007: 59-78.

एमएलए उद्धरण

Arp, Susmita. "In Search of Goddess Virajã." Periphery and Centre: Studies in Orissan History, Religion and Anthropology 2007: 59-78.

चेतावनी: ये उद्धरण हमेशा 100% सटीक नहीं हो सकते हैं.